Tinkerbell has been locked up behind the house for a couple of weeks now as she has laminitis. She was therefore present for the birth of the baby who will love, master and live with her into her dotage. She just lay by the back door all through labour and didn’t call out for Baby or make a fuss about her confinement like she normally does as soon as the sun is up. Instead she was quiet, present and contemplative until Benjamin was safely birthed into her world.
The children are all in clover!
Then Baby came down with it! First time ever and the result of a crazy clover season. We all have hundreds of acres of clover at the moment – too much, too rich, for all the stock. It would seem that after all that rain and our two floods, after ten years of drought, all the dormant seeds in the ground are thriving. So now we have Two ponies locked up in a very small section of the house paddock, and then, just when Tinkerbell was getting better, she became a three legged horse, literally hopping, and in despair I called the vet out. She had been up to her normal Houdini escapologist tricks and somehow had severely injured her hip. That’ll teach her, you would think, not Tinkerbell . . . she may only be hopping but she can still get out! Electric fence put paid to her shenanigans but what with a new baby, two sick ponies and a dog who is definitely not getting enough attention I was pretty close to reaching the end of my tether . . . !
Macca came and weighed Ben and he has put on HALF A KILO – pretty impressive . . . there’s goodness in them there boobies after all! There’s no doubt that Master Love is a tit man – those big blue eyes light up every time the milk bar opens and he starts licking his lips . . . I am trying to teach him that it is good etiquette to kiss the girls first, not go straight for the boob!!
And I have discovered that he is a complete groover – he has moves, he has rhythm, he LOVES to dance with his Mummy – will get Ged to take pictures.
All my plans of having three months off work went pretty much straight out of the window and we were working three days after the birth (pretty impressive!) and am now just squeezing it in between feeds – so on a good day I might get two or three solid hours of work under my belt – keeps me on my toes!
Ged went back to work this week, although he had done about 4 days work during his two weeks paternity leave so it didn’t feel like a holiday and nothing got done on the farm, but he and Benjamin just adore each other and he is in charge of winding and soothing the little man, and I take care of the input and while he is at home, the output is all his!!
Gotta go, I hear His Master’s Voice . . .