Baby has been a quaking, shaking wreck for a week! I brought her home on Tuesday morning once my foot had returned to approximately normal size and I had spent several hours trying to find them on ‘the other side’. I brought them back to the house side and as soon as Ged’s horses saw my two they started cantering up towards them, so I thought I’d just let them run together and let my two go. Big mistake! They were last seen by George heading up the old ‘road’ up into the hilly ridge and then they were gone all day. Ged came home to help me look for them and after much driving around, we found them looking sheepish and heading back down the self same road they had last been seen haring up with the hounds of hell apparently at their heels. By this time I had locked Ged’s horses in the yards after counselling from my Horse Herbalist. And I brought my two home, washed them down, soothed them with words and ‘Settle Petal herbal remedy, fed them their favourite tasty morsels and then, once they seemed normal and calm, let them go again. Big, big mistake!
George and I dropped a match in the big gully by the house . . . (is that the dragon Baby is so scared of??!!)