Modern Miracles and Moving Office

We have witnessed, and are in the middle of a miracle!

The nice man from Timbertown Computers came on Wednesday and installed Satellite Broadband, so via the miracle of modern technology I can now talk to you from home.  No more traipsing up the ever more perilous goat track to Comboyne.  No more $100 a week in petrol.  No more boring 40 minute journeys at the end of each working day  I’ve waited almost a year for this day to arrive and it is BLISS!  OK, it’s quite a bit slower to surf the net than you city folk are used to . . . but out here in the boonies we are down on our knees with gratitude to have internet access at all!
We started off with the desks in the sitting room as I was precious about invading the baby’s room and wanted to preserve its sacred space for her.  But we had people for lunch on Sunday and in the grand spring clean I determined that, since Gary is booked to come up in June and build the office, we could camp in Harmony’s room for a month or so.
We had our gorgeous Canadian Acupuncturist and her pommy husband for lunch which was a nice change.  We cracked open some of the wedding champagne and lubricated them well, before feeding them with my famous chilli olives, hommous and warm bread; pepper steak and crisp green salad; and, of course, the now infamous blueberry tart for desert!  Yes, we still have plenty of blueberries in the freezer . . . .!
Chris is an agricultural consultant and we took them both for the walk around ‘the other side’ and he was very impressed with the scope, feel, and condition of the land and cattle.  He had some good tips for potential government funding etc.  His parents still farm 100 acres or so just near Bath.  Unfortunately the platypus was still in flood aftermath mode and has not been sticking to a regular timetable (probably busy rebuilding his home!) so we weren’t able to share that with them, but they had a good time and so did we!
The wonder of working from HOME (note Daddy’s little princess at pole position!)