Tired, sore, shocked and happy!
Now I know why no-one can explain childbirth to you – it is inexplicable. There are no words to convey the act of labour, and I have a whole new respect for anyone who has ever endured it. And if you’ve done it more than once, I take my hat off to you! How could God be a man when only woman can conceive, nurture, grow and birth a baby? Man has many roles – protector, provider, rock and comforter, but he is no creator of life, and let’s face it no man could possibly live through labour!!
Macca stayed on the farm with us for four days fulfilling a vital role of counselor, friend, Mother, nurturer, rest police and breastfeeding expert. I am so grateful for that. I didn’t realize until after she was gone how much you need a wise friend who knows the ropes and will help you adjust and learn your new role – without judgement, with compassion and with infinite patience. Macca was that person and more and I feel so blessed that we have had her to share and learn from as we move through this major transition in life. Three days after the birth we (Ged, Macca and I) planted the placenta under an ‘Emperor’ Mandarin tree at the heart of our new, circular, vegetable patch. How fitting that Benjamin’s life support system should begin to feed Avalon’s. May he always be grounded, loved, nurtured and held here in his place in the world, his home, his land, his link to Mother Nature and the Goddesses who bore and birthed him. We three witches planting a placenta under a star-filled night in the centre of a circle – very pagan, very elemental, very right. Of course when Macca left, the Baby Blues arrived and I had a few howling sessions – mostly I was so proud of myself for having successfully traversed this major milestone in my life – against all the opposition and naysayers, the dream stealers and the prophets of doom. Also I was so grateful to Macca for having been such a wonderful facilitator, helping us to make our dreams come true. She was invisible and yet ever present, allowing, facilitating, encouraging and witnessing, the lighthouse we steered by, our guide and comforter as we wrestled with something beyond our control.
And now we are getting to know the newest member of the Love family . . . much is familiar from his habits and patterns in utero, but so much is brand new territory. Luckily Ged knows more about babies than I do from his years looking after his cousins and Steve and Cherie’s boys. But we have Macca at the end of a phone, and visiting once a week for the next six weeks, and we have intuition, a deep well of love for this miracle baby of ours, and a beautiful home to share with him . . .
Needless to say, Phoenix has his nose well and truly out of joint and he is not ‘the most beautiful boy in the world’ any more which is pretty harsh. But I hope he will love Ben as much as we do with time . . .
Midwife knows best
