It seemed like an ideal time for me to do a long overdue road trip to show the major equine retailers in NSW Think Fly (if they hadn’t been ordering it) and also the new products that we have been wanting to bring in to the country for a while, but needed their approbation and willingness to sell, to do so. It gets me out of the house while Bill the Painter is polluting the atmosphere with toxic paints. So I set off on Tuesday and drove over the windy, windy mountain to Walcha, and then to Tamworth where I stayed the night with the Fensbo tribe who all marvelled at a ‘fat’ Sophie. We had a good catch up and in the morning I transformed myself back into ‘Sales Sophie’ and hit the road . . . I had forgotten how much I enjoyed that face to face selling thing. Getting a bit out of breath though now, at the end of my spiel . . .
Travelling saleswoman

The response was excellent which was inspiring and affirming – that this grand Global Horse Products plan of mine does have legs and will run and run . . .
I did Tamworth, Scone, Moonbi and Quirindi on Wednesday, then bunkered down in Denman for the night (trying to escape the roar of the trucks on the New England Highway). Thursday was a busy day, covering Denman, Cessnock, Singleton, Maitland and Muswellbrook and then the long drive home. Enough of sleeping in strange beds – need my home comforts and my human hot water bottle . . .
It is always such bliss to be home . . . .
Ged flew down to Sydney last week to get his new car. It is a Japanese import called a Mitsubishi Delica. A people mover on a Pajero chassis and engine. So it’s a 4WD van basically, which is exactly what he needs for work. He has ripped out the back seats and put the roof racks on for his ladders and seems to be very happy with his decision. Now we just have to sell his Toyota – shouldn’t be hard. I think my new car will be next year now, but my little red Pajero is still doing well and Benjamin won’t notice for a while yet . . . Actually, the Delica is super comfortable and since it still has two back seats, is probably going to be used as the family car for long trips as long as it is clean!!
Came back from my trip to find the painting finished. Very good on the outside but he seems to have just done a quick fix on the inside which I am not happy about. I spent the weekend filling the nail holes in the skirting boards and putting on two coats of gloss. I will work my way slowly round the windows to get them up to MY standard (which actually isn’t that high!!) Honestly, if you need a job doing properly, you have to do it yourself . . . !
Also, a miracle has happened! Those ducks have finally become normal! They swim on the river during the day, they fly, they camp out under the house, and who knows where they sleep at night. The ugly ducklings have become, if not swans, then at least responsible members of the duck family, and lovely to see paddling gently across the river from my kitchen window . . .